
Clouds obscure what fate would have us see

Beauty shines through as thin beams of sunlight, eager to warm the cold ground

Suffering falls as snow blanketing all things

That snow will melt by the warmth of our hearts, and the suffering will wash away into the sea


Kindness rains upon the crown of the people,

They turn their heads to the sky to drink it in,

The sweet deluge lasts but a minute,

Dirt consumes in a moment that which misses the congregation,

All that remains is the lingering flavor, to soon the masses will forget,

The summer storms of compassion will come again,

Consider leaving your umbrella by the door.


Wondering if you hear my soul

Scattered pieces ringing your name

Crystalline emotion takes its toll

Feelings in waves are difficult to tame


Bury me under my words

Throw me from the peak of feeling

Honesty cuts the cleanest

Time only heals the wounds we know about


A fork in the timeline

A life changed

Life saved

Kindness is a superpower

Be amazing


The universe is really strange

Pretending to know anything

Is okay sometimes

Being human is hard

Being better than human

Is work daily

Life is beautiful

Except sometimes it's not

It's still life

Inspiration is fleeting

Consider writing sometimes

Words can be powerful

Emotions might be lies

They are still important

Feel sometimes

People can be difficult

It's okay

They are still important

Being good at something is nice

Mostly for self-esteem

It's really not a big deal

You can do almost anything

Hope is wonderful

Being hopeful is a choice

Fight the oppressor

If you are the oppressor

Stop it or fall to ruin

Learn things with purpose

Learn things with no purpose

Knowledge is neat

Every being suffers

And would rather not

Consider compassion

Smile or don't

Joy is fleeting

The sun rises

Cry or don't

Sorrow hurts

The moon reflects

A fork in the timeline

A life changed

Life saved
